Search UNC Dataverse

Search UNC Dataverse

Searching UNC Dataverse is straightforward. Users can use the search bar located above the results list on the main page, or they can perform a more targeted search using the Advanced Search feature.

Basic Search

GIF displaying how to enter a term into the basic search bar of a dataverse

UNC Dataverse offers a search bar to help users locate data or research projects of interest. The bar is just above the Results list and functions like a typical search bar. Simply enter the keywords describing the type(s) of data you are looking for and click ‘Find’.

Advanced Search

If the basic search bar is not providing specific search results, we recommend using the advanced search to narrow the list down. The advanced search allows users to search across individual metadata fields for relevant results at the Dataverse, Dataset, and File-level.

To get started, click ‘Advanced Search’ beside the search bar on the main UNC Dataverse landing page. You will be redirected to a new search page.

Screenshot showing the categories users may search within as part of the advanced search. Categories include by Dataverse, Dataset, or search by Files

From here you can decide to search across Dataverses, Datasets, or individual Files. Simply scroll to the section you wish to search through and then identify the field(s) you want to enter keywords into.

Once you’ve entered as many keywords as needed, click ‘Find’. Your results will load in a new UNC Dataverse page.

If your search provides 0 results, we recommend removing a keyword or checking your spelling for any typos.

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