User Dashboard

User Dashboard

User Dashboard

The User Dashboard is where you can find your account information, access your notifications and dataset records, and generate an API Token.

My Data

My Data is a list of all Dataverses, Datasets, and Files you either own or have permissions to access. You can search through the list here by keyword or using the filters on the left side of the page.


Notifications will appear in this section with a link to the dataset record and the Dataverse. The date the notification was sent is also listed in each notification. You can remove a notification by clicking the ‘x’ in the upper right of each notification box.

Account Information

This section allows users to review their account information. Accounts using an Institutional login are unable to edit their account information. If you are leaving your institution and would like to transfer your account, please contact UNC Dataverse Support using the Support button at the top of UNC Dataverse.

Please note that there is a known issue with verifying emails. You can read more about it in our FAQs section.

API Token

UNC Dataverse users can generate an API token to utilize the Dataverse APIs. API tokens are valid for one year. Review the Dataverse API Guide (v5.9) for more information on available APIs and their functions.