Dataverse Metrics

Dataverse Metrics

UNC Dataverse offers a few options for tracking usage and interactions with your shared data file(s) and documentation.

Guestbook Reports

If enabled, a guestbook will track data interactions such as views, downloads, and explorations within the UNC Dataverse platform. To learn more about guestbooks, please see the Guestbook section of this guide.


The Dataverse Project offers API to track dataset and dataverse metrics within UNC Dataverse. Learn more about Dataverse APIs in the API Guide (v5.9).

Dataset Metrics

Finally, each dataset record has a dataset metrics section that counts the number of downloads for that dataset. You can find this section underneath ‘Access Dataset’ on the far right of the dataset record.

Image of Dataset Metrics feature in Dataverse that depicts the number of downloads of the files from that dataset