Access Controls for Data

Access Controls for Data

In some cases, you may need to control access to your research data. For instance, if your funding agency or institution requires a data use agreement before sharing data with researchers. UNC Dataverse provides options for restricting access or embargoing data at the file level.

Restrict Access to Data

UNC Dataverse offers data access restrictions as a part of the data sharing workflow. Restricting data within UNC Dataverse removes the download option from data files and replaces it with a ‘Request Access’ button. Users must request access to the data file(s) and be granted permission to download.

Only registered UNC Dataverse users may request access to restricted data.

Permissions are typically granted by the dataset record admin or a designated curator after reviewing the request. Some dataverse admin require users to also email a completed data use agreement outside of the UNC Dataverse platform.

  • To restrict access to a data file(s), navigate to the draft dataset record and scroll down to the Files tab,

  • Select the checkbox next to the file(s) you wish to restrict,

  • On the far right of the page, choose ‘Edit Files’ and select ‘Restrict’ from the drop-down menu,

Screenshot of Edit Files button where 'Restrict' option is available
  • A pop-up window will appear where you may enter specific ‘Terms of Access’,

  • Make sure to click the checkbox beside ‘Enable Access Requests’. This permits users to click the ‘Request Access’ button to automatically notify dataverse admins and curators of their interest in accessing your data file(s),

  • Click ‘Save Changes’

Your data file(s) will now be restricted. As admin or curator, you will now see a green lock icon underneath the file(s) in your Draft dataset record. When you publish your dataset, users will see a red lock icon and the download button will be replaced with a ‘Request Access’ button.

Image showing two restricted data files designated by a red lock icon

UNC Dataverse will automatically notify all dataset admin and curators of an access request. You will receive the notification via email, as well as in the Notifications section of your UNC Dataverse User Dashboard. Follow the link provided in the email message, or the link provided in the user dashboard, to grant or deny the request.

Grant permissions

When a user requests access to restricted data, UNC Dataverse will send the dataset admin and curator(s) a notification via email informing them of the pending request. Only registered UNC Dataverse users with a UNC Dataverse account may request access to restricted data.

After receiving and approving a data access request, navigate to UNC Dataverse and login. Click on your account in the upper right and scroll down to ‘Notifications’. Select the link to the request in your notifications list. You may also click the link provided in the email from UNC Dataverse, which will take you to the permissions page.

If you have trouble locating the permissions page via the links provided in your email or in notifications, you can navigate there yourself via the UNC Dataverse interface.

First, locate the dataset within your project dataverse. Once you are in the dataset record, select ‘Edit Dataset’ and choose ‘Permissions > File’ from the drop-down menu.

You will be taken to the Users/Groups Access Restrictions management page. Here you will see the list of users requesting access and will be given the option to grant or deny their request. Select which option is appropriate and UNC Dataverse will update that user’s permission level.

Alternatively, you may also assign access under the Restricted Files section of this page. Locate the file(s) you wish to assign a user access to and click the ‘Assign Access’ button. A pop-up will appear where you may enter the user’s UNC Dataverse account name in the designated field and then grant them permissions to access the file(s).

You may revoke user permissions at any time by navigating back to this page. This is particularly useful if users are only granted access for a specific time frame.

Unrestrict Access to Data

If you wish to unrestrict access to a data file(s), you may do so by clicking the check box beside the file(s) and selecting ‘Edit Files’. In the drop-down menu, choose ‘Unrestrict’. UNC Dataverse will update the dataset record to remove the restriction. When the updated draft page reloads, you will notice that the lock icon by the file(s) is removed. Once you publish the updated draft dataset record, UNC Dataverse users will be able to download the file(s) without requesting access.

Embargo Data

In some cases, you may wish to embargo your data for a period of time. For example, some funding agencies will permit you to keep the data embargoed for up to a year while still allowing you to publish on your research. UNC Dataverse has a built-in embargo feature that lets you schedule the embargo period for up to 36 months.

To set an embargo on your data, navigate to your dataset record and scroll down to the Files list. Select the checkbox beside each file you want to embargo.

After selecting the embargo end-date, enter a brief reason as to why the embargo exists. Click ‘Save Changes’ when you are finished.

The record will be updated, and an embargo message will be present in the file metadata.

Once published, users will not be able to download the embargoed files until the embargo date has been reached. When the embargo date is reached, UNC Dataverse will terminate the embargo and activate the download function for the embargoed files.

Curators and/or Admins will not be able to edit the embargo date once the dataset has been published. Please be certain that the embargo date you’ve selected is correct before you publish your dataset within UNC Dataverse.

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