Featured Dataverses

Featured Dataverses

Featured Dataverses

For research projects with multiple studies or research centers conducting multiple projects, you may wish to organize your data within sub-dataverses. One way to display all the sub-dataverses within a dataverse, is to define them as ‘Featured Dataverses’. Featured Dataverses will appear above the Results section of your landing page.

To enable a Featured Dataverse, navigate to your project dataverse and select ‘Edit’ from the right side of the page. Choose ‘Featured Dataverses’ from the dropdown menu.

Screenshot of the Edit dataverse button where users can find the Featured Dataverse option

A pop-up window will appear containing a list of published sub-dataverses that can be added as ‘Featured Dataverses’. Select the sub-dataverse you wish to feature and click the ‘->’ to add it to the column on the right. Click ‘Save Changes’ when you’ve selected the appropriate sub-dataverse(s).

Your sub-dataverse will now appear above the Results section on the landing page of your project dataverse.

Screenshot of a Featured Dataverse appearing inside of a project dataverse

To remove a Featured Dataverse, simply navigate back to the ‘Featured Dataverses’ option in the Edit menu. In the pop-up, select the sub-dataverse in the right column you wish to remove from the Featured Dataverses list then click ‘<-’ to move it to the left column. Save Changes when you are done.