Basic Data Management Service Budget Justification

Basic Data Management Service Budget Justification

This article offers budget justification boilerplate for the RDMC Basic Data Management Service to be included within proposal submissions.

Including the RDMC Basic Data Management Service

The text below describing RDMC Basic Data Management Service fee coverage may be used in the budget justification component of the proposal package.

RDMC Basic Data Management Service Fee covers the cost of essential data management support for [brief description of data to be shared]. This service, which is provided by the UNC Research Data Management Core, ensures adherence to the Funder/UNC approved data management and sharing plan (DMSP). The service includes use of the UNC Dataverse data repository, which provides long-term preservation of and access to dataset files and associated research materials, along with searchable indexing and description of data products located in other repositories specified in the DMSP. To further support successful implementation of the DMSP, the service also includes at-award general guidance and consultation on data management and sharing standards and best practices that are specific to the project data types, and ongoing review, monitoring, and support of data management and sharing activities throughout the project period to confirm that project data are shared as required and uphold FAIR principles for findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data.