To learn more about the RDMC Data Curation service or to obtain a quote, please submit your request via the RDMC Services website.
What is
Data Curation?
Data curation refers to the various processes involved in ensuring that data can be discovered, accessed, understood, and used now and into the future. These processes are part of a disciplined practice that considers the technical aspects of data as an object for long-term archival preservation and access--but within the broader context of responsible and ethical conduct of research, scientific rigor and integrity, disciplinary culture and practice, and stakeholder mandates and expectations.
When planning for data management and sharing, a data curator will consider several aspects of the data within the context of the responsible conduct of research. Along with technical requirements for data handling and archival storage, data curators take into account data collection and analysis methods, informed consent requirements, standardized scientific metadata schemas, data quality control protocols, potential reuses of the data, and other critical matters for proper data management.Please visit the RDMC Services website for more information on how RDMC data curators can support your research project.
Data curation standards and best practices
RDMC Data Curation Service
Scope of work
The scope of work for the RDMC Data Curation Service for most projects will include the following primary data curation activities:
Once the RDMC team reviews submitted materials, you will receive a quote for the Data Curation Service that includes a recommended scope of work. Please note that this quote is offered as a broad-brush scope of work estimate based on several assumptions about project needs and timelines. If these assumptions are inaccurate or if the scope of work changes, the associated fees will be updated.
Budgeting for
the Data Curation Service
Data curation is considered by federal funding agencies to be an allowable cost that can be included in the proposal budget. Costs for data curation varies based on several factors including the type, volume, complexity, and sensitivity of the data.
Data Curation Service fees
Data Curation Service fees are based on hourly recharge rates approved by the UNC Office of Sponsored Programs. Please visit the RDMC Add-on Services webpage for current rates and hourly minimums.
The text below describing the RDMC Data Curation Service may be used in the budget justification component of the project budget.